Event Series Sunday Service

Sunday Service

Join us Sunday morning to worship our lord!   You are welcome to come into the sanctuary or partake in the parking lot. There is also a live stream on…

Agape Speaker

During our yearly Cardboard Village we will have a speaker from Agape. The congregation is welcome to come to partake in the talk and see what Card Board Village is…

Event Series Sunday Service

Sunday Service

Join us Sunday morning to worship our lord!   You are welcome to come into the sanctuary or partake in the parking lot. There is also a live stream on…

Event Series Sunday Service

Sunday Service

Join us Sunday morning to worship our lord!   You are welcome to come into the sanctuary or partake in the parking lot. There is also a live stream on…

Youth Group Thanksgiving

Our Youth Group will have their Thanksgiving during their usual YG meeting.

Event Series Sunday Service

Sunday Service

Join us Sunday morning to worship our lord!   You are welcome to come into the sanctuary or partake in the parking lot. There is also a live stream on…

Shoebox Blessing

  We will have a blessing during the church service over the 100 Boxes we were able to put together this year!

Event Series Sunday Service

Sunday Service

Join us Sunday morning to worship our lord!   You are welcome to come into the sanctuary or partake in the parking lot. There is also a live stream on…