Event Series Sunday Service

Sunday Service

Join us Sunday morning to worship our lord!   You are welcome to come into the sanctuary or partake in the parking lot. There is also a live stream on our Facebook page you can watch live or at your convenience.

Church Picnic

Time for our annual worship and praise service down at the pavilion followed up by fellowship, games, slip and slide and of course the amazing food you all bring to share! Paper goods, drinks and meat will be provided!  

Event Series Sunday Service

Sunday Service

Join us Sunday morning to worship our lord!   You are welcome to come into the sanctuary or partake in the parking lot. There is also a live stream on our Facebook page you can watch live or at your convenience.

Sunday School Kick Off

Welcome back to weekly Sunday School! We have from Pre-school to adult learning hour after service every week. Please contact the office to register!

Event Series Sunday Service

Sunday Service

Join us Sunday morning to worship our lord!   You are welcome to come into the sanctuary or partake in the parking lot. There is also a live stream on our Facebook page you can watch live or at your convenience.

Event Series Sunday Service

Sunday Service

Join us Sunday morning to worship our lord!   You are welcome to come into the sanctuary or partake in the parking lot. There is also a live stream on our Facebook page you can watch live or at your convenience.


Come join us in making crafts! All ages are welcome to help us create items for our Operation Christmas Child shoeboxes.  

Event Series Sunday Service

Sunday Service

Join us Sunday morning to worship our lord!   You are welcome to come into the sanctuary or partake in the parking lot. There is also a live stream on our Facebook page you can watch live or at your convenience.

Youth Group Meeting

YouthGroupmeets <img src="https://stlukesway.org/wp-content/uploads/2021/07/172179354_10157714453181681_3075731025313713477_n-300x171.jpg" alt="ST. LU

Event Series Sunday Service

Sunday Service

Join us Sunday morning to worship our lord!   You are welcome to come into the sanctuary or partake in the parking lot. There is also a live stream on our Facebook page you can watch live or at your convenience.