Sunday Service
Join us Sunday morning to worship our lord! You are welcome to come into the sanctuary or partake in the parking lot. There is also a live stream on our Facebook page you can watch live or at your convenience.
Learning Hour Children & Adults
All are welcome! Join us after service to continue learning about our faith, our history and more. We offer Learning Hour for Nursery age through High School for our youth as well as classes for adults! For more info contact our Christian Education Director LeeAnn at
Potluck and Bible Study
Potluck and Bible Study Join us for an always delicious pot luck dinner followed by a Bible study led by Pastor John Mohan. Please bring a dish to share. Feel free to come when you can. Dinner will be from 5:30-6:30pm followed by the study.
Sunday Service
Join us Sunday morning to worship our lord! You are welcome to come into the sanctuary or partake in the parking lot. There is also a live stream on our Facebook page you can watch live or at your convenience.
Learning Hour Children & Adults
All are welcome! Join us after service to continue learning about our faith, our history and more. We offer Learning Hour for Nursery age through High School for our youth as well as classes for adults! For more info contact our Christian Education Director LeeAnn at
Potluck and Bible Study
Potluck and Bible Study Join us for an always delicious pot luck dinner followed by a Bible study led by Pastor John Mohan. Please bring a dish to share. Feel free to come when you can. Dinner will be from 5:30-6:30pm followed by the study.
Sunday Service
Join us Sunday morning to worship our lord! You are welcome to come into the sanctuary or partake in the parking lot. There is also a live stream on our Facebook page you can watch live or at your convenience.
Bible Study and Pot luck
Join us for our discussions about the book of Galatians. Bring a dish to share with the group.
Sunday Service
Join us Sunday morning to worship our lord! You are welcome to come into the sanctuary or partake in the parking lot. There is also a live stream on our Facebook page you can watch live or at your convenience.