Event Series Youth Group Meetings

Youth Group Meetings

  Our Youth Group includes our confirmation and high school classes. It's a time of fellowship, fun, and learning. During Lent, we will be having meetings after our traditional Lenten Soup dinners.

Event Series Sunday Service

Sunday Service

Join us Sunday morning to worship our lord!   You are welcome to come into the sanctuary or partake in the parking lot. There is also a live stream on our Facebook page you can watch live or at your convenience.

Event Series Youth Group Meetings

Youth Group Meetings

  Our Youth Group includes our confirmation and high school classes. It's a time of fellowship, fun, and learning. During Lent, we will be having meetings after our traditional Lenten Soup dinners.

Event Series Sunday Service

Sunday Service

Join us Sunday morning to worship our lord!   You are welcome to come into the sanctuary or partake in the parking lot. There is also a live stream on our Facebook page you can watch live or at your convenience.

Palm Sunday Breakfast

Join us after church for fellowship and food.  Our traditional feast commemorates Christ's triumphal entry into Jerusalem,  and the first day of Holy Week.       Learning hour will not be held this week.

Maundy Thursday

Commemorates the Washing of the Feet (Maundy) and the Last Supper of Jesus Christ with the Apostles, at 7 pm  in the sanctuary.

Good Friday Service

Service will be at 7 pm on Good Friday, join us in commemorating the crucifixion of Jesus, his death, and his amazing love for us.

Easter Egg Hunt for Pre-K – Elementary School Kids

11 am kicks off our annual Easter Egg hunt! Weather permitting it will be outside. If the weather isn't cooperating the hunt will be held inside. For kids pre-school through elementary age.